Client: NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Architects: Ryder Architecture
Contractor: Balfour Beatty Construction
Project Value £17.5 million
Lead Consultant: Richard Mackenzie
Mountainhall Treatment Centre is the re-designed development on the site of the old Cresswell Building to accommodate a brand new outpatients department.
The Refurbished building is used for a variety of day treatment including:
Renal Dialysis and Outpatients accommodation includes self-care dialysis, dialysis treatment cubicles, isolation dialysis cubicles and outpatient consulting and examination rooms.
Ophthalmology and Orthoptics accommodation includes dedicated space for paediatric services with their own waiting area, purpose built treatment rooms, variety of consulting rooms and a day surgery theatre.
Audiology accommodation includes various consulting rooms and an audiometric booth.
There is also a Diabetic Centre and Diabetic Retinopathy Service, Community Rehabilitation Centre and an Outpatient Therapy Service all with a wide range of consulting and examination rooms.
RMP provided a specification for the acoustic performance requirements for the building and guidance on the acoustic requirements for sound insulation, door specification and reverberation control.