RMP have worked on the management, control, and mitigation of environmental noise for over 50 years, supporting a wide variety of sectors in new and existing developments.

Assessment often involves liaison with multiple stakeholders to determine the best means of protection for noise sensitive receivers.  An understanding of the source and available noise control measures often results in a multifaceted approach. This requires a coordinated input from specialist manufacturers by RMP to obtain approval from the client, authority, and critically the affected individual and/or group.

Transportation Noise

Road to rail, tram to drone, logistics hubs to emergency services bases, RMP have undertaken more than 500 assessments to standards ranging from World Health Organisation/BS 8233, Calculation of Railway and Road Traffic Noise (CRN&CRTN), Royal Environmental Health Institute Scotland (REHIS) and Local Authority criteria, Noise Insulation Regulations and BS 6472 Evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings.  Consultation and engagement with traffic consultants and bodies such as Transport Scotland, ScotRail and internationally with the National Society of French Railroads (SNCF) have aided resolution.

Industrial Noise

Low frequency sources including elevated-flares and evaporators, powerful sand-blasting activities and fighter jets, but more typically ASHP’s/plant and garages. Often the most satisfying outcome is a noise control solution at source, but where this is not possible an understanding of the source-receiver pathway is critical.  RMP’s preferred method is usually by measurement, occasionally employing novel simulation techniques or long-term monitoring, or alternatively via prediction including modelling software. Constructive dialogue with stakeholders; SEPA, DEFRA, Local Authority, special interest groups and the Scottish Government/Councillors at planning enquiries is facilitated by expert advice on issues such as appropriate application of BS 4142 for industrial noise vs. NANR45 for low frequency sources.

Commercial Noise

There is an ever increasing number of plant items attached to buildings including; ASHP’s, stand-by generators, cooling and renewable systems, which are often a large cost item for new-build developments.  Noise from plant can be overlooked, creep up over time, and be the result of alterations or poor maintenance.  RMP often collaborates with M&E Engineers to identify noise issues and determine suitable mitigation.

Construction Noise

Construction Noise is predicted and assessed using BS 5228:Noise and vibration control on construction and open sites, but increasingly monitored on-site or within sensitive premises such as hospitals and cinemas. RMP have a range of equipment capable of providing limit alarms and responsive monitoring with on-line interrogation and audio replay capabilities.

Entertainment Noise

Someone’s business vs. someone’s home, we are required to sympathise with both in-order to come to a resolution.  For new-build venues or homes, our goal generally involves careful demonstration and even auralisation of mitigation.  For complaint resolution, an iterative approach is often preferred but requires considered negotiation.

RMP has supported the development of standards to deal with such noise via the use of inaudibility (or NR15 as a design criterion) and research for DEFRA on Concert Noise.


RMP is not a multi-disciplinary consultancy that specialises in infrastructure development, our independence can provide an improved evaluation for clients and greater acceptance from authorities.  We have worked on product development of novel substations, water pipe vibration transmission, noise impact from coronal discharge, as well as multiple wind turbine developments using ETSU-R assessment criteria.

Recreation Noise

Including sports pitches and stadiums, motorsports and shooting ranges, paddle tennis, gyms… The evolution of guidance on recreational noise cannot match changing lifestyles and therefore it is necessary to identify key attributes that cause noise annoyance.  The character of the noise is often as important as its level, for which targeted mitigation may be necessary.

Discover some of the award winning environmental noise control projects we have delivered across the UK:

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