Air Tightness Testing (ATT) is compulsory for all new buildings throughout the UK.

RMP have been providing Air Tightness Testing services since 2007 as one of the first registered testers in Scotland. We hold Certification (EAS Level 1 and 2) and equipment for testing any size of building, no matter how leaky. With thermography and smoke machines, as well as the all-important experience of our testers, we can undertake air leakage diagnosis work to obtain a satisfactory outcome on any project.

Since the introduction of compulsory ATT, RMP have been heavily involved in compliance testing on new build residential and commercial buildings such as hotels, care homes, student halls, and industrial/commercial units. This skill set and experience have placed RMP well for undertaking Air Tightness Testing within existing buildings where energy efficiency upgrades are sought, with such developments ranging from complex education buildings to large scale residential improvement programs.

Air leakage can directly contribute to ventilation requirements, so a balance between heat loss and occupant comfort needs to be achieved. Air Tightness Testing may also act as a means of identifying workmanship issues, for which RMP can also provide support throughout the design development stage and implementation. RMP has also supported developers in achieving very stringent air tightness standards such as those found in Passivhaus.

More information on the update of Section 6 of the Building Regulations in Scotland can be found on our Section 6 Guide.

Alternatively here are some of the projects where Air Tightness Testing services have been provided by RMP, usually in conjunction with acoustic consultancy services.

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