Robust Details provide an alternative to pre-completion testing for demonstrating compliance with the performance standards of Part E for new build dwellings (England and Wales).
In order to use Robust Details for this purpose, at design stage the site plots are registered with Robust Details Ltd for a small fee per plot. Designers should refer to the Robust Details Handbook in order to enter the relevant construction required.
The house builder is then exempt from the requirement of post completion testing. As part of their registration they can be subject to spot inspections and testing carried out by the Robust Details Inspectorate.
There are several benefits to using the RD Scheme, these include: pre-completion sound testing is not required; risk and uncertainty of remedial action is minimised; potential delays in completing the development are avoided; the increase in material cost associated with RD is an – investment in the fabric of the building for lifetime, rather than one-off test fee.
RDL monitors the performance of current Robust Details through feedback from third parties such as building control bodies and new home warranty providers, together with independent spot checks. The spot checks on site are undertaken by the Robust Details Inspectorate drawn from a large number of acoustic consultancies from across the UK.
RMP acoustic consultants currently provide 10% of the total number of registered inspectors under the Robust Details Scheme from our existing staff. We also serve external technical advisors on the RD Standards Committee, and the RD Inspectorate Committee.